Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, the big move is on top of us now. I have been doing all the last minute packing and Eric (well he is out of town this week). I have gone through room after room trying to clean it out and pack up all of our belongings.

In the mist of packing it suddenly dawns on me that I am packing up my "life" and headed out west! Which believe it or not is very scary.

I was packing clothes, shoes, towels and just staring at the blank spaces on the walls and so forth. I started thinking back to when i moved in to my apartment, the memories it held, not all good but man it held alot of memories. Like when Eric asked me to marry him, when i lost the boys, my gallbladder surgery, alot of slumber parties and alot of tears. It has been a wonderful place of family and friends and even new puppies.

I loved my apartment it was my home. Now I am embracing new memories, new moments, that will occur in my new apartment. New changes, new surroundings. There will be new moments, new tears, new friends all in this new enviroment. It would seem that change was endless.

I am determined to make the best of it and determined to suceed at yet another adventure in my life. So bring it on world, bring it on.

God speed


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dallas is right around the corner

Well this weekend was a bit crazy. We spent it on a rush around visit with everyone whirl wind.. but we loved it. We spent saturday with my family and saturday night with his and my friends.. We have been so busy its hard to imagine slowing down. I have been packing while he is away on business setting up the office in Dallas. We head out Saturday morning and it feels like it will never get here yet its coming to fast.

I found out I have a new baby cousin coming it to this world and I am so excited about it. One of these days it will be our turn to have a little one..

We adopted a new dog name DUKE he is a boston terrier mix and yesss. I love him. I will post pictures soon enough i promise...

I have been saying goodbye to my friends and just really taking in the last few days I have here in Akransas. Its sad but its not at the same time.. isnt that so funny..

My cousin Jessica is getting married and well i am her maid of honor and i can not wait.. Its going to be super super fun...

Any who..

Get back with you guys later.


Thursday, September 11, 2008



We are still busy with packing and cleaning and even trying to visit with everyone before we leave.. Which you never know if we are going to make it to see everyone.. its sad.

Packing is nearing completion and we are super nervous, excited and plain tired.

We have been grocery shopping for can goods, rice, and noodles here, so when we get down there we don’t have to rush out to the store and we can do some unwinding.

We plan on taking a week off to rest and just get things organized so that we are able to relax once we are there and in our new place.

If you need our new address let us know. We know what it is and we love giving it out.

Well its short and sweet but that is all the time I have...............................................

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Moving, Gustva and Power

As the day nears that we will be packing up and saying "goodbye" to our little home town. We are sad. We knew the day would get here before we knew it but we never thought we would be sitting here thinking about the final things to complete before the big move this soon.

Our apartment is well packed up now we are just riding out GUSTVA. (Who by the way should go back wher he came from) We are ver tired of the rain and crappy road conditions and did we mention the rain. Due to him the power has been out at our apartment since around midnight and well we are headed in to the 15th hour with out lights and have now been told it may be until tomorrow before we have power again. The only thing that keeps running through our heads is, Man we cant finish packing until i have power. (that and we dont want our food to spoil)

Rain rain go away come back again another few months from now.

All seriousiness.

Thank goodness the Hurricane was down sized and the people of New Orleans were spared another bruttle attack. We pray nonoe ever has to ride a storm out liek that again.

Well keep safe, dry and have a great night