Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The life as a Parent..

FIRST... I want to say thank you to my dad.... I realize that being a parent is a blessing and a task..

Abby has been such a great baby... She has not been that fussy (other than the colicky stuff and only because her belly is so full of gas)

Its hard as a new parent (or a veteran parent) to not know what is wrong with your child.. It kills me..

Parenthood is a blessing and full of trial and error ... (LET ME EXPLAIN)

I was trying to breatfeed but was unable to due to my milk coming in so Abby was put on Advance (by Simlac) She was eating good but not gaining the weight, was very gassy and fussy.. So they added Rice Cereal to her diet... Weight gain good but


It scared me..

The doctor decided to put her on Acid Reflux meds.. It seemed to help but not that great.. Finally they switched her fomula... THANK YOU ENFAMIL NUTRAMIGEN....

We are on about hour number 12 and no projectile vomiting or major spit ups..

Back to Trail and Error..

Ever wonder if your child is hungry, dirty, fussy, gassy, sleeping or all the above.. I have.. Ever been so tired you forgot to kennel your very hyperactive crazy dog and went to work... Ever wondered how you could stay up til all hours of the night partying and go to work the next day on 2-3 hours of sleep and function.. But your so exhausted with night time feedings and fussiness you just need 5 more hours of sleep..

Parenthood.. is trial and error.. Learning and Loving.. and UNCONDITONAL JOY and FUN..

I have been blessed.. that is for sure...

I have a great husband and great new little family..

More pics to follow or check out my facebook

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